Enlevez les feuilles et après, à vous de vous amuser avec ce bain de teinture en y faisant bouillir ce que vous voudrez colorer.
A simple recipe with surprising résults : about 40 leaves of eucalyptus, one or two rusted objects, and rain water. Let the leaves boil softly in the water for at least 1 hour. Put the rusted objects in the pot and let the mixture rest for one or two days. The rust is going to change the colour of the dye bath which becomes..black !
Then take off the leaves, and you just have to boil what you want to dye in that bath.
De haut en bas : du coton, du lin, de la soie nouée sur des billes From top to bottom : coton, linen and silk tied around marbles |
Dans la marmite In the pot |
Et voilà :
I had prepared the fabrics by mordancing them in a bath of rhubarb the day before to be sure the colour would stay. It worked well on the silk and the coton but the linen is clearer. If you want to get a darker colour, you can use more leaves or let the fabrics longer in the dye bath.
Have fun !
Amusez-vous bien !
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